Once Upon a Time There Was a New Trilogy….

June 8, 2019

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of a new series, “Awakened by a Kiss,” which will hit stores and e-readers (on the same day, this is a mass-market deal, my friends!) in late 2020.

The trilogy kicks off with A Duchess A Day, which gives the happily-ever-after treatment to the Huntsman from Snow White. After that, If the Duke Fits finds Drewsilla Tremayne, the formerly wicked stepsister from Cinderella, in her own book. Finally, When You Wish Upon a Duke tells the story of Miss Isobel Tinker (Tinkerbell!).

I’ll be invoking themes, symbols, and plenty of Easter eggs from popular fairy tales to nudge these sideline characters into the spotlight of their own stories. Add the swashbuckle and pageantry of Regency England and a duke or two, and we have the start of a light, dreamy, hilarious new series. I’ve already begun writing two of the books, and it’s a wild, funny, heartfelt ride.

Meanwhile, I’ve enjoyed some lovely reviews and social-media buzz for You May Kiss the Duke—and we only have a month to wait for the paperback release on July 9order your copy today!


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