Were Joseph Chance and Jon Stoker Always Going to Have Their Own Books?

Oh, probably….

The reasoning behind the characters of Joseph from The Earl Next Door and Jon Stoker from The Virgin and the Viscount is simply that I love a rough, street-smart teenaged boy hanging around, being funny and useful. Honestly, I have to fight my muse not to create a teenaged sidekick for the hero of every book. Lorraine Heath was the first to ask me if Joseph would have his own book. Like any lifelong reader of romance, I was already thinking along those lines.

It was great fun to skip ahead fifteen years, grow up both Joseph and Stoker, and allow them to be the heroes of their own stories and live happily ever after. Joseph Chance’s starring role as hero of All Dressed in White came so easy to me as a writer, I will probably never have a character so cooperative and dear. (And he is also my only beta hero!) And don’t get me started on how fun it was to write a heroine to match Jon Stoker in You May Kiss the Duke.

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